Sunday 4 April 2010

Stormy Weather (and sunny too)

its been very strange here - varies between blizzards and brilliant sun. I've spent some time in the park taking photos - but more time inside!
Yesterday it looked as though it might be nice - so went to the beach - but the weather promptly went gray. The only pics were texture shots - although I did like this one
for credits see:

We also went to Blackness Castle - the wind was bitter, so glad for a combat jacket (even if not very stylish), the view of the hills in the north was superb

and fun was had in taking very detailed shots

for credits see:

I've also been playing aroung on elements with layers anf blending modes al la the 'Creative Techniques' challenge at Oscraps - from this:

to this:
for credits see:

for credits see:

1 comment:

Jane F. Smith said...

You've got some gorgeous stuff here Zoe!!!