Tuesday 17 November 2009

Day out

I went to Edinburgh for a conference today, travelled on the train as the thought of parking in the centre of town at the moment gives me kittens. For the uninitiated, Edinburgh is in the process of having a tram line installed, right down the middle of Princes Street, which means that the traffic chaos is even worse than usual, and every time I go they seem to have blocked off a different set of streets. They (the council) say it will all be wonderful soon (maybe in a year or so) but in the meantime - oh dear!

The conference was about autism - dear to me for both personal and professional reasons, and also very interesting, with a good mixture of the highly scientific and the more practical, with even a good verbal fight thrown in at the end. It always amazes me how heated academics can get if you tread on their toes (metaphorically, that is).

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