Thursday 12 November 2009

Well, the reasons I'm posting so much at the moment are two-fold:

1) I'm at home with a nasty fluey bug, no, not the dreaded swine flu, at least I don't think so. But it does mean that I haven't a lot of energy, especially not for doing useful things like housework, so I am spending most of my time sitting (wrapped in a dressing gown) in front of my brand new, ultra fast PC. Who could resist the opportunity to catch up on photoshop, LO's and surfing the net!

2) I indulged in Shimelle's new class on blogging - see:
and started 7 days late - so have a serious catch-up problem, however it is making me think about memories and how to keep them. I have started diaries so often and they rarely last the year out, not for lack of interest but because of the interruptions from the real world. this time ......

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